.. _query_api_toplevel: Querying ======== This section provides API documentation for the :class:`.Query` object and related constructs. For an in-depth introduction to querying with the SQLAlchemy ORM, please see the :ref:`ormtutorial_toplevel`. .. module:: sqlalchemy.orm The Query Object ---------------- :class:`~.Query` is produced in terms of a given :class:`~.Session`, using the :func:`~.Query.query` function:: q = session.query(SomeMappedClass) Following is the full interface for the :class:`Query` object. .. autoclass:: sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query :members: :undoc-members: ORM-Specific Query Constructs ----------------------------- .. class:: aliased The public name of the :class:`.AliasedClass` class. .. autoclass:: sqlalchemy.orm.util.AliasedClass .. autofunction:: join .. autofunction:: outerjoin .. autofunction:: with_parent